Teaching Screenagers

Teaching Screenagers
My life in the fastlane

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Week 1 iPods arrive in our classroom

Well the day has finally arrived and my students have their iPods. We spent some time setting procedures and routines and what I have already learned is we need to be flexible and have back up plans. For example, how do we move forward when some iPods lose their internet capability? We need to allow more time for collection and organization... etc.
But here is the coolest part of my days so far.. the question always comes up, "Really, Class is over already?" and the joyous part is I feel the same way. This week we are using two very simple apps, Scribble Lite to respond and iTalk lite to record our voices. So far, we are using this as a fluency device. Students are reading the text into the iPod, and then listening back to what they read. It is so funny to hear them read and re record without even asking them to. "Mrs. Ilko, I sound funny!" is the response I get this week. We have discussed terms like prosity and fluency with new meaning.

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